For a project I'm developing I want to use OpenMPI and the Qt toolkit. Naturally, this would mean that I'd like to use QtCreator with the qmake's build chain as well. OpenMPI recommends using their wrapper compiler/linker instead of the default one, so I needed to make aware the qmake system of this. It is possible to change the compiler on a per-project basis, but after reading a bit on qmake, I've decided to solve this a bit more elegantly.
qmake supports features that can be used in different projects by just adding a configuration entry. I've created such a feature and added it as a git repository here: To make qmake aware of a feature one has only to put the .prf file in $QTDIR/mkspecs/features and it's ready to use. To use the OpenMPI compiler/linker just add the following configuration entry to your project file:
CONFIG += openmpi